Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tag Tramps Exclusive

Showing off the latest Tag Tramps Exclusive.
Featuring the artwork of Keith Garvey.
You can purchase Licensed tubes of his work at PSP Tubes Emporium 
Tut by Mona. You can find it HERE It's the second version of this tut found at the bottom of the page.
(You may have to click on the sig of the forum set to see it full size.)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Beautiful day!

It's a beautiful sun filled day today! Still a bit cold to be outside but I'm lovin' watching the birds play in the sun out my window. I can't wait for spring. I've got to get my hands in the dirt!
Friday evening I ended up pinning to long and didn't get much of anything else done. It's so easy to get lost in time at Pinterest. It's addicting! Not that I need yet another addiction. Yesterday I spent some time with friends playing spades. We have a blast talking, laughing and just hanging out. I'm so happy to have so many old friends to share great memories with. Really needed the break too. This morning I've done a couple forum sets but need to get the names added and deliver them to Tag Tramps. José and Anna do some beautiful taggin' in there! Well, there's a big long list of To Do's on my desk so I better get busy. I'll leave you for now with this question... Of all the tags you have, what theme do you find yourself using most?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday All Day Long

It's Friday ..all day long! I like Mondays better. Stayed up way to late last night making another blinkie. Well, editing a blinkie. So now we have one for the Blog. Grab it if you have a blog or website and link to me :) Slept late so now I'm behind. This morning (once I got my eyes open) I checked my e-mail, peeked in on Tag Tramps and popped in here. I've added the new blinkie and some more for Blogs I Visit, added a nifty lil calendar and clock, added a banner to CF, updated my profile and added a Pinterest button. I love that site! I'll be back this evening and hopefully will have something to show off. Hope you're having a beautiful day!

Monday, January 23, 2012

First Post

Hello everyone thanks for stopping by :)
First of all big thank yous!
Thank you Melissa for help with my background!
Thank you Carita for the beautiful Scrap Kit!

Just thought I'd give this a try.

I've pulled a lot of hair just getting this far so we'll see how it goes. 
I'm not trying to do anything fancy here but wanted it to be cute :)
The plan is mostly just an easy place for me to get messages out for all that are interested.
Occasionally I'll show off some tags.
Every now an then, someone will ask how I did this or that so I'm thinking this might be an easy place to post some quick tuts or short how to's.

Who knows, there may be some contests or challenges along the way.
Prizes are always fun! 

P.S. I'll get this thing figured out I hope and can link to everything as it should be.