Monday, May 21, 2012

Too much too little

I've spent way too much time on Facebook lately and way too little time in PSP and tag groups. I'm not even close to being ready to jump back into all the groups yet but I am ready to get my head back into some PSP! Haven't made a tag in over a month and I miss it so bad. Haven't spent enough time in the yard lately either. A few new plants to get into pots and some cleaning up to do this morning so I better get busy.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beautiful day!

Another week has passed but I've been crazy busy. Having loads of fun though!
wyldrose has been having puter woes so I've been tagging for her Always List for the past couple weeks.
I've had a blast reading all the comments! Everyone has been super nice.
Not sure if tagging is in the cards for today. It's a gorgeous outside and supposed to be 83F.
I'm thinkin' I'll be outside for most of the day.
Fighting a sinus infection and all the pollen might not be a good combo but it seems like so long ago that I was in the warm sunshine.
New challenges for Tag Tramps is on my mind even tho I haven't made that crazy blinkie yet.
Fresh air and sunshine might just be what I need to get it in my head :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Shadow Box tut

I'm caught up on my e-mail and a new tut is up.
Another easy Forum Set tut but it can be done so many ways.
I can't wait to see what everyone does with it!
You all can thank Monti for this one :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday all day long!

It's Monday all day long today! I'll start with taking my dil to her dr appointment then it's laundry time.
Really don't mind laundry like most people seem to it's just time consuming.
No river yesterday. It's just to cold and windy for that still.
Today is even colder and even more wind.
I did get a couple tags done but no tut.
I just can't see writing a tut for copy and pasting scrap pieces here and there.
The tags turned out pretty good tho I think.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Friday's Adventure

Friday's routine doctors appointment turned into a real adventure for me and Angel.
After the appointment we went to WalMart to get her prescription filled.(never a simple thing).
As always they said it would be 45 mins to an hour to be ready.
We did a lil shopping and went back to wait in line. After waiting 30 mins the line didn't seem to be moving at all.
All of a sudden the cage of the pharmacy came down, all the cashiers locked their registers and were standing in the aisles all across the store yelling that WalMart was on lock down and for everyone to get to the back of the store.
A tornado warning had been issued and they locked the store down!
Well my first thought was "flight".
No way was I going to be herded into the back of that store with a gazillion people that I didn't even know!
The store was PACKED! The 2nd day of the month AND a Friday..ohhh no!!
I turned and saw that one door was still open. I asked Angel if she thought we could get out.
With "doe in the headlights eyes" she said we can try it, so off we went.
Right out the front door of a store that was on lock-down.
Once out everything seemed rather normal. No rain, no wind, nothing.
We got in the car and I drove across the road to the parking lot of the "old" WalMart.
Sitting there in the car watching the sky and hoping we'd be safe.
I kept thinking about when the new WalMart was built. 
It seems it was finished in just a few months maybe three or four?
Maybe longer but I do know that's an awfully big building to be finished so fast and I figure it will fold up like a wet cardboard box if hit with a tornado. Right?
I knew I was not going to die in it with a bunch of strangers!
Anyhow, we could see the front doors of the store and was watching for people to start going in and out.
It sprinkled rain for just a few minutes and the sky was really weird. Clear in some places and dark as night in some.
Just over the trees behind WalMart we could see the clouds trying to gather. 
We could see it trying to form and just as it was about to reach the store it just went straight up, split and vanished.
Thank God it did and everyone was safe.
You can see it trying to gather in this pic from my phone.

March winds do blow!

I can't believe it's already March 4th. Seems like just yesterday we were making New Year Tags!
We've had some crazy weather with high's some days in the low 70's and some it's only in the 50's.
Nights have been just as bad with low's anywhere from high 20's to mid 50's.
We've had thunderstorms and tornado warnings. It's wild!
Today is bright sunshine and windy. That should help my allergies a lot. HA!!
Planning to ride over to the river with some friends today. We'll prolly freeze our butts off but it'll be fun anyhow.
I'll take my camera just in case we can get some good shots while we're there.
Tonight I just have to get some new tags done and if I can work it out in my head maybe a new tut will appear.
So many ideas in my head I can't get them to stop long enough to get them on paper much less actually getting them done.
Maybe the fresh air will clear my head a bit and I can concentrate on one thing at a time.
I'll get my never ending "To-Do" list organized and get busy.
Which reminds me that I still haven't gotten my pages done like I want them in ConteeCrafted.
Do I even have time to go to the river?!
Prolly not but if my besties go.. so will I! :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

All Kinds tut

This tut is a 2fer. You'll make a Facebook cover and av as well as a Forum Set.
Very simple tut. No filters or special instructions really.
I've been thinking to try writing some easy tuts for beginners.
Isn't it about time for a whole new generation of PSPer's to come along?
Newbie or not, I think you'll have fun with this tut. :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lemon Drop tut

Love how this tag turned out so had to tut it. Of course now that it's done I can think of dozens of ways to do a tag with this tube and theme. Loads of fun trying to make a Lemon Drop :o
Go check it out and give it a try. I'd love to see how many different tubes can be used with this tut!
Remember the name is Contee and you can always e-mail me at 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Masked Foxy tut

I did get the Masked Foxy tut up yesterday. You can find it at Contee Crafted .
A member of CDO Diamonds made some snags similar to this tag and I thought they were so CUTE! I just had to tut it my way. I don't know if she used a tut or not but it's an easy tag to figure out.
The storms missed us but we sure got a lot of wind from them. It was looking rough for awhile there!
Going to play some Spades today with my besties, maybe something else for the site if I have time later.
Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Two new Tuts up!

Now that SDS is over. I've finally gotten two new tuts up and masks loaded up for you at Contee Crafted.
We're under a severe weather watch until 4 P.M. today, but I'm trying to get another tut written and loaded before we lose power. Hopefully it will go around us and all will be fine.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

With the Secret Sister going on all I've had time for is watching e-mail and trying not to give away the big secret.
It's time consuming and you get a bit tired but it is so much fun watching everyone post tags that they've gotten from their SS. Offers going up like crazy.. can't miss those! It gets wild I tell ya!
I wanted to take a minute to stop in and tell you all Happy Valentine's Day before it's gone.
I hope you all have had a beautiful day with lots of love, hugs and kisses!
Until next time.. see ya on the boards or in my inbox depending on where you're coming from :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Busy, busy!

It's the week before SDS at the CDO Diamond Club so we're all taggin' like madwomen in there.
I'm hung up on forum sets for some reason and it's getting more difficult to just make a tag.
So far I have 3 done and not liking any of them. Maybe someone will tho.
Sure hope they can use the sets I've done!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

January at Tag Tramps

Wow! What a month!
Tag Tramps is a very small group. Truthfully, only 3 regular posting members.
Now, that is a small group! You know what tho..? We don't let that stop us.
We tag and post as if there's 500 members. We really have a lot of fun in there!
In one month we had over 30 tags created between the three of us.
Some of you might think this is just a plug for the group. Nope. That would be your choice.
Actually, it's just a reminder that no matter where you are or what the situation.. it can be as good as you want it to be!
Tag on Tag Tramps!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tag Tramps Exclusive

Showing off the latest Tag Tramps Exclusive.
Featuring the artwork of Keith Garvey.
You can purchase Licensed tubes of his work at PSP Tubes Emporium 
Tut by Mona. You can find it HERE It's the second version of this tut found at the bottom of the page.
(You may have to click on the sig of the forum set to see it full size.)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Beautiful day!

It's a beautiful sun filled day today! Still a bit cold to be outside but I'm lovin' watching the birds play in the sun out my window. I can't wait for spring. I've got to get my hands in the dirt!
Friday evening I ended up pinning to long and didn't get much of anything else done. It's so easy to get lost in time at Pinterest. It's addicting! Not that I need yet another addiction. Yesterday I spent some time with friends playing spades. We have a blast talking, laughing and just hanging out. I'm so happy to have so many old friends to share great memories with. Really needed the break too. This morning I've done a couple forum sets but need to get the names added and deliver them to Tag Tramps. José and Anna do some beautiful taggin' in there! Well, there's a big long list of To Do's on my desk so I better get busy. I'll leave you for now with this question... Of all the tags you have, what theme do you find yourself using most?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday All Day Long

It's Friday ..all day long! I like Mondays better. Stayed up way to late last night making another blinkie. Well, editing a blinkie. So now we have one for the Blog. Grab it if you have a blog or website and link to me :) Slept late so now I'm behind. This morning (once I got my eyes open) I checked my e-mail, peeked in on Tag Tramps and popped in here. I've added the new blinkie and some more for Blogs I Visit, added a nifty lil calendar and clock, added a banner to CF, updated my profile and added a Pinterest button. I love that site! I'll be back this evening and hopefully will have something to show off. Hope you're having a beautiful day!

Monday, January 23, 2012

First Post

Hello everyone thanks for stopping by :)
First of all big thank yous!
Thank you Melissa for help with my background!
Thank you Carita for the beautiful Scrap Kit!

Just thought I'd give this a try.

I've pulled a lot of hair just getting this far so we'll see how it goes. 
I'm not trying to do anything fancy here but wanted it to be cute :)
The plan is mostly just an easy place for me to get messages out for all that are interested.
Occasionally I'll show off some tags.
Every now an then, someone will ask how I did this or that so I'm thinking this might be an easy place to post some quick tuts or short how to's.

Who knows, there may be some contests or challenges along the way.
Prizes are always fun! 

P.S. I'll get this thing figured out I hope and can link to everything as it should be.